Thursday, October 8, 2009

Why are asian women like this?

Ive met and seen alot of asian women who dye their hair blonde and other colors also wear colored contacts and i always see them with a guy of a different race are they not proud of the way they look and are asian men not meeting there standards?

Why are asian women like this?

Asian women are not the only people who dye their hair. They are lots of women from different backgrounds that feel some color highlights will make them look better. Dying your hair and wearing colored contacts are all part of fashion. It makes the individual look better so they do it. And also, all women have insecurities about the way they look, whether it's to a certain degree. Asian women tend to have lower self-esteem about their image. And also, not all asian women like to date men of other races. In most situations, men of other races hit on asian girls first so the girl just gives in.

Why are asian women like this?

asiam men have small penises and therefore dont satisfy their women.

Why are asian women like this?

lots of women do this of all races, there are balcks and latinos with blonde hair...why do they always get singled out for "not being proud" of their race, yet no one questions white ppl who dye their hair dark or tan???

it is called fashion...not hate...

Why are asian women like this?

I am not asian but in college I saw many asians. I knew only a handful but we would talk.

I think it all depends on the economic situation of the asian female.

If an asian women comes from a less affluent economic class she tends to be content in her natural hair and in general dress, and not as confident in her social interactions.

But, if she comes from affluence, she usually has designer clothes and colored hair and an attitude more open and confident with others.

I think asian females from a higher economic class have access to the worlds toys ,like other girls from affluent money, and choose to follow the social image of what girls with money do. Buy high priced things, and emulate their cultures version of the european american "valley girl".

Why are asian women like this?

It's not only asian women that dye their hair. Are you blind??? Haven't you seen black and white women dye their hair too?

Contacts are not made only for white people. I cannot even believe you asked this question. You should have thought about it first.

And about asian women being with guys of different race...that's not your business who they want to go out with.

Why are asian women like this?

For the same reason that people of other races experiment with their looks. Haven't you seen white people with dreadlocks and African garb, blacks with blonde hair, etc? As communication opens up through advancements in technology, people get to see what other people are doing around the world and they are apt to imitate the styles that are shown in the media as desirable or fashionable.

Why are asian women like this?

I think white and black women dye their hair too.

Why are asian women like this?

this is a syndrome called loss of identity and dignity and self love...specially when this type of girls say I'm not racist y date only whites but I'm asian, I'm beautiful but i have asian culture and asian people

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