Thursday, October 8, 2009

May I know your opinion about guys with long hair?

For me I think nothing wrong when guys keep their hair long but in some Asian societies people have a bit negative strange feeling. So I would like to know about general feeling about this matter because majority guys of this world do not keep their hair long.

May I know your opinion about guys with long hair?

I don't think hair length is a good judge of character level. Saying all men with long hair are stupid/unstable is like saying all men with beards are lumberjacks. It is a generalization based on personal experience. You should not judge some one by their hair, even if it is all matted. Sometimes things happen in people's lives that cause their personal appearance to suffer, but appearance can be changed or even used as deception of what is really going on.

I've only known one man who had long hair, and he was very intelligent and stable. I cannot judge others by his appearance.

I think men have short hair in most societies so as to be identified as men, it is part of their gender role. This is also because women now wear pants, which used to be strictly worn by men in western culture, and women wore dresses. Like it or not, cultures still have gender defining traits. Sometimes it is also religion, (some religions say if men should also wear beards or not.)

May I know your opinion about guys with long hair?

I do not find long hair attractive on men, at all, for any reason.....yuck!

May I know your opinion about guys with long hair?

i'm 36 and for the last 2 years i've had long hair. The rest of the time its been short. i'nm irish but i live and work in India so i kind of stick out anyway but the girls here tell me they like it

May I know your opinion about guys with long hair?

I think it gross. In my experience, most smart men have short hair and most carefree men have long hair.

I'd rather spend my life with someone who can pay his bills.

May I know your opinion about guys with long hair?

it's not cool

May I know your opinion about guys with long hair?

*shudders* No way. In my opnion it makes the guys look untidy. As if they would not care about their appearance at all.

May I know your opinion about guys with long hair?

I like long hair on men as long as they are not too heavy metal I think it can be quite sexy

May I know your opinion about guys with long hair?

guys with long hair look fools!!

May I know your opinion about guys with long hair?

They look different on each guy.But generally they are not very smart.

May I know your opinion about guys with long hair?

well here is an example Brad Pitt, Gorgeous as hell all the time, however, when he had his long hair in legends of the falls and interview with the vampire it looked good because it was brushed and taken care of. But when i saw paparazzi pics of him with long hair and all unbrushed and hippie-ish it looked gross. So i guess what i am trying to say is that it all depends on how the guy takes care of his hair.

May I know your opinion about guys with long hair?

I don't have a problem with long as its kept clean....

May I know your opinion about guys with long hair?

Guys with long hair are effeminate weaklings who find joy in being men while behaving like women.

May I know your opinion about guys with long hair?

The only guy I have ever found attractive with long hair is the character Wind in His Hair on Dances With Wolves.

Long hair on men pretty much is a major turn-off!!

May I know your opinion about guys with long hair?

wouldnt suggest growing your hair long if you are a guy.......its too 80's........cut it if it is....short well kept hair looks alot better than long dead frizzy hair

May I know your opinion about guys with long hair?

Imagine Tom Hanks with long hair? Sorry, no.

May I know your opinion about guys with long hair?

There are a few men that can get away with looking good with long hair however most men just don't look well groomed unless they keep their hair short.

May I know your opinion about guys with long hair?

Very sexy kept neat and clean and shiny.

May I know your opinion about guys with long hair?

My own hair is over 40 inches long and my boyfriends is about half that. It is absolutely BEAUTIFUL. Can't say that about all long hair on guys but you can't say it looks good on all women either. Long hair is a huge turn on.

May I know your opinion about guys with long hair?

I am in America. I don't care if guys have their hair long or short. But I personally like my men with clean-cut short hair. :-)

May I know your opinion about guys with long hair?

Sometimes it looks good, but sometimes it doesn't. If it's all greasy or tangled or just an unflattering cut, then of course it will be unattractive or stupid looking. But if he has nice hair and a cute face or something, then it looks hot. It all depends. I don't think you should judge a book by it's cover too much though.

May I know your opinion about guys with long hair?

it depends on the length for me, if that guy has the shaggy but short look like Tom Welling that's perfect! From Tom's length to anything shorter is the best. Long hair on guys in gross!!

May I know your opinion about guys with long hair?

I much prefer a clean-cut guy. Long hair to me is often (but not always) a sign of the tortured artist type, and I'm really past that phase now. Plus, I just find shorter hair more attractive.

However, there are some that can carry off long hair... just like there are some women that can carry off short hair. Some guys just don't have the face shape or hair type to look good with long hair.

May I know your opinion about guys with long hair?

I like guys with long hair. I like guys with short hair. I like skinheads, and headbangers with long frizzy hair. I like mohawks, liberty spikes, trihawks, and some emo cuts. The only hair I don't like is hawk-mos and really ugly emo cuts. All in all...I don't really care what kind of hair a guy has. I think people make such a big deal about it though because the world's perspective of a man is a clean cut, short haired, strong man who can support a family.

My advise: Move somewhere where you can get a guy with long hair. and then live long and prosper. =)

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