Saturday, August 1, 2009

What are some ways I can keep my hair from turning green in the pool?

I am an asian american with naturally black hair, but it is dyed gold now. I just enrolled in a swimming class, but I know dyed blonde hair will turn green in pool water. what are some ways I can prevent that from happening? Also, if it does turn green it is very dramatic or just slightly? will it be all my hair or just spots? will it help if i dyed my hair back to a darker color with a semi-permanent dye before i start the swimming lessons? thanks!

What are some ways I can keep my hair from turning green in the pool?

Use a shampoo for blonde hair. They're usually called "violet" shampoos, and off of the top of my head, I know a brand called Artec and another called Rene Furturer (sp) make one. Wash your hair immediately after swimming to remove the chemicals.

You could probably go to any beauty supply store and ask the clerk, but I don't think you'll be finding anything at a drugstore.

I also heard that if you put conditioner in your hair before you swim, and shampoo it immediately after that helps, but I'm not positive about the conditioner bit.

What are some ways I can keep my hair from turning green in the pool?

they best way to protect your hair is wearing a swimming cap. probably wont look attractive but hey it protects your hair from even touching the chlorine filled water! good luck

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